What makes 'Writing' special to me
I tried writing an introduction for the Writings page of my public notebook. The goal was to mainly focus on why I have this urge to write but I was not able to capture that in a sentence. This note is a result of that. Reasons why I want to write:
- For the ability to share my thoughts in a more articulate form with others
- For the ability to share knowledge in a distilled form. Here the distinction that I am making between knowledge and thoughts is thoughts can be very subjective but knowledge strives for some objectivity
- To think more clearly by giving a form to the thoughts
For the reasons mentioned above, why is 'Writing' the ideal way to do? I think these are the reasons: - Writing is more private than other forms of sharing such as sharing an audio or making a video. The form of words in a textual form helps to an extent that the words take precedence than the writer. Being someone who is not super comfortable putting myself out but still want to share, I guess writing serves as a perfect medium for that.
- The form of digital writing has the affordances to capture complexity. What I mean here is every idea present in the intellectual space of the humans is interlinked and doesn't make sense without supporting ideas i.e. the ideas are present within the web of ideas. Writing in a digital form seems ideal to represent that web better than forms such as audio or video.
I have never considered myself to be a writer. On the other hand, I enjoy thinking and giving a form to my thoughts. I love that writing allows me to do that!