The Invisible Empire


This chapter delves into the abundance and diversity of microbes, emphasizing their crucial role in ecological balance and interdependence. It also explores the enigmatic nature of viruses, highlighting their complexity and unique place outside conventional life classifications.

Microbial Diversity and Ubiquity

A single gram of the stale-smelling yellow grimy film on our teeth, good old plaque, has approximately 1011 bacteria, which is about the same number as that of all the humans that have ever lived.

Roles and Interdependence of Microbes

The effect of this interdependence is deeply significant as it sets the tone of relationships for all life on � Earth.

The Complex World of Viruses

The problem with viruses is that they do not fit into any of the conventionally accepted domains of life� they are neither archaea, eukaryotes nor prokaryotes.


The chapter explores significant scientific revelations, particularly in the field of microbiology, tracing the evolution of microscope technology and its impact on our understanding of the natural world. Key pioneers like Copernicus, Vesalius, Hooke, and van Leeuwenhoek are highlighted for their discoveries that revealed the microscopic universe, expanding knowledge on organisms within and around us. The chapter underscores how these advancements led to major breakthroughs in medicine and science, particularly in understanding microorganisms and their role in disease.

Discoveries and Scientific Revolution

Microscopy and Its Pioneers

Impact of Microbial Discoveries

Evolution of Microscopy

Birth of Virology and Beyond


The chapter explores the evolutionary significance and diversity of viruses, focusing on giant viruses such as mimivirus and medusavirus, their unique characteristics, complex interactions, and their impact on evolution and human health. The origin of viruses remains debated, with theories ranging from ancient existence alongside cellular life to their evolution from genetic elements of cells.

Role of Water in Evolution

Discovery of Mimivirus

Impact of Viral Discoveries

Viral Complexity and Evolution

Viruses and Human Impact

Theories of Viral Origin


This chapter explores the integral role viruses have played in evolution and human development. It covers how viruses, including endogenous retroviruses, have integrated into human DNA, influencing everything from placenta formation to immune responses. Authentic assessments highlight the necessity and complexity of viral genes in reproduction and potential vulnerabilities from their absence.

Viruses and Evolution

Endogenous Retroviruses (ERVs)

In the nearly two decades since the Human Genome Project, scientists have identified more than fifty distinct Human ERVs (or HERV) �families� in human DNA. Of these, the HERV-L family is considered the oldest, and is estimated to have invaded the genome of an ancestor of all mammals some 150 million years ago. This was a momentous development for all modern mammals because it caused mammals to split into two distinct lines.
We had help from our virus friends because syncytin was originally a viral protein.
This particular HERV meddles with mechanisms associated with pleasure in the brain and drives individuals to different types of addictions. Increasingly, this HERV and the proteins it produces is being incriminated for neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig�s disease, and even depression and schizophrenia. Can HERVs perhaps explain our Monday morning blues?

Foetal Cells and Placenta

Some types of foetal cells travel across organs and reach the mother�s tissues, mostly those underlying her skin, liver, kidney and bone marrow. The role of foetal cells is not fully understood but they perhaps help heal minor injuries or diseases that the mother may encounter. Some studies have found that pregnant mothers make better survival decisions, and know when to fight, flee or fly.
Some mammals consume their placenta after birth. This is because after an exhausting labour, the placenta offers an easy and rich source of iron, protein and vitamins for the mother. Physiologists have found that animals that consume the placenta immediately after birth are able to reduce post-delivery bleeding, restore their hormones quickly, increase their energy and, therefore, begin the supply of milk for their newborn.

Virus Contribution in Evolution

In some ways, a developing foetus is a little bit like a virus, in that it exists inside the body of another organism where it needs to avoid detection and rejection by the (mother�s) immune system. So perhaps it is fitting that it should be helped by syncytin, which is a protein synthesised from a gene taken from a virus.
So, it seems that an obligate parasite that gave us HERVs is an obligate requirement for human reproduction. Without it, we would perhaps still be laying eggs!
It was about 400 million years or so ago that an ancestor of the coelacanth became infected by novel foamy viruses (2) which led to the development of its muscular fin, and that enabled an amphibious descendant to take the first steps out of water onto land. Most life forms� from deep-sea-dwelling coelacanths to chimpanzees� have their unique foamy virus infections. So you may have a series of viral infections in fish to thank for your dextrous fingers and toes, as well as for your mobile arms and legs.

Loss and Importance of ERVs

Virologists at Oxford University have reconstructed the history of our viral DNA and estimate that there were at least thirty to thirty-five separate invasions which embedded ERVs into our genome. The virus that endowed us with HERV-H (they are critical in the development and fusion of the sperm and egg cells and in subsequent cell development) was a super-spreader because it got transmitted through the germ line or from parent to child.
But losing ERVs also increases our risks to invasion by other viruses, and this may explain the rising numbers of cancers or how exogenous (outside) residents like HIV became a persistent infection.


The chapter explores the critical roles of microbes and viruses in maintaining life on Earth. Cyanobacteria and marine microbes play significant roles in oxygen production and carbon dioxide consumption. Viruses, particularly bacteriophages, regulate microbial populations and contribute to long-term carbon burial, essential for climate balance.

Role of Cyanobacteria

For over 3 billion years, free-living cyanobacteria and other photosynthetic organisms in water, together with stromatolite colonies, were the only life forms on Earth, and it is these early microbes and their partnerships that produced all the oxygen we breathe today.
Stromatolites are all but gone now, except in a few places like a lagoon in the Bahamas and Hamelin Pool in Western Australia, where they are still growing very slowly, adding about 5 centimetres every century.
With the stromatolites all but gone, it is free-living cyanobacteria and other photosynthetic organisms that have been chipping away at carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and are producing most of the oxygen we breathe today.

Importance of Marine Photosynthesis

The photosynthetic bacterial community collaborates with other microbes like sulphur-producing bacteria to produce nearly 70 per cent of all the Earth�s oxygen and bury more than 4 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide (a gigatonne is a billion metric tonnes, GtC) every year.
This is more than all trees and human efforts to scrub carbon achieve. In all, oceans sink 9 GtC while forests and vegetation on land absorb about 11 GtC. The important point here is that forests and vegetation on land are both a source and sink of carbon, while oceans are just sinks of carbon and net oxygen producers.
Anywhere between 50 and 80 per cent of Earth�s free breathable oxygen comes from oceans, thanks to micro-photosynthesisers. Among a variety of these primary producers, the champion cyanobacterium, Prochlorococcus, is the smallest photosynthetic organism on Earth. It alone produces up to 20 per cent of all oxygen, which is higher than all of the tropical rainforests put together.

Role of Viruses and Bacteriophages

Left to themselves, marine photosynthetic bacteria would multiply endlessly, turning the ocean into a slimy green, stinky pea soup, like sewage-filled rivers or drying ponds. This is where viruses come in. More specifically, viruses that infect bacteria which are called �bacteriophages�, or simply �phages�
Together, carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen and sulphur are the building blocks of life, and viruses play a role in regulating the life cycle of each one of these elements.
The moral of the story, if we are to look for one, is this� in order to reverse the earth-warming effects of producing excessive carbon dioxide and methane, we need to bury vast amounts of carbon in the depths of the earth or seas. Moreover, carbon needs to stay buried and unperturbed for a very long time. This is precisely what happens when myriad bacteria, viruses and a multitude of other minutiae busily carry on their wild rumpus in the oceans, in open seas, lakes, rivers, ponds and soils. They are friends of the Earth and of life. We must let them be.


The chapter explores the diverse and complex roles of microbes, especially viruses, in human health and evolutionary history. It discusses how viruses like herpes and adenoviruses contribute to various health conditions and traces their evolutionary origins and global spread, providing insights into human migration and ancient interactions.

Our Viral Passengers

Viruses and Health Impacts

And while we incriminate fizzy drinks, confection, fries and burgers for the rise in diabetes and obesity, there are at least five confirmed human adenoviruses and several animal obesogenic viruses that can induce weight gain.

Evolutionary and Historical Perspective on Viruses


The chapter discusses the history and impact of smallpox, detailing its origin, effect on civilizations, and eventual eradication through vaccination. It highlights Edward Jenner's contributions to vaccination, which saved millions of lives by preventing smallpox.

Origins of Smallpox

Impact on Empires and Civilizations

In a letter written to Colonel Henry Bouquet in 1763, Sir Jeffrey Amherst, commander-in-chief of British forces in North America, advocated dusting scabs of smallpox on to blankets and leaving them outside native settlements that were under siege; or distributing and trading bison skins laced with the pox with native American people before the onset of winter.

Advancements in Smallpox Vaccination

On 17 May 1803, at the first meeting of the Royal Jennerian Society (founded by fellow doctors and admirers), Edward Jenner insisted that his friend and fellow physician, Richard Dunning, be credited for coining the term �vaccination� (Greek; vacca: cow). The era of smallpox vaccination had dawned. Vaccination became a common practice in England, and gradually in Europe and the Americas too, and was introduced into British colonies like India, where it saved millions of lives.


The chapter discusses the role and diversity of gut microbes, challenging previous beliefs about microbial numbers and dominance, emphasizing the impact of diet and birth on microbiome composition, and exploring the microbiome-gut-brain axis. It highlights the potential consequences of shifts in microbial populations and questions the efficacy of probiotic products in supporting gut health.

Quantifying Gut Microbes

Classification and Impact of Microbiota

The fourth bacterium E. coli (and others in genus Escherichia) which, for the longest time had been thought to be the most dominant organism in the human gut, was found to make up less than 1 per cent of the total bacterial population.

Influence of Diet and Birth on Microbiome

What this means, in essence, is that what you have eaten since you were an infant and as a child has an important bearing on your gut microbiome, which, to a large extent, is a critical determinant of your overall health.
The infant microbiome is strongly influenced by how the baby is born� whether through the birth canal or by caesarean section.

Changes and Consequences in Microbiota

H. pylori to disappear and be replaced by a new set of microbes. Localised extinction of microbes within our gut can have consequences that we know little about as yet.
New evidence suggests that the composition of the intestinal microbiota when we were young determines whether we are predisposed as adults to allergies such as asthma.

Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis

Another interesting phenomenon that several studies have shown is that there is a clear pathway linking the action of microbes and gut cells to the functioning of the brain. Physiologists call such a connection an �axis�. The microbiome-gut-brain axis is a two-way communication system between bacteria and gut cells on the one hand, with the brain.

Probiotics and Microbiome Health

Probiotic products contain proprietary strains of bacteria that have been heavily domesticated. They are present in these products in very low numbers and the species are chosen for the ease with which they can be manufactured, stored and for their shelf life, and not necessarily because they are the best for our bodies.


The chapter discusses the effects of the Little Ice Age on Europe, particularly on agriculture and disease spread. It highlights the emergence of sweating sickness, a mysterious disease causing significant mortality in England, linked possibly to rodent-borne hantaviruses. Cultural practices evolved in response to epidemics, influencing hygiene and urban sanitation. The chapter underscores challenges in identifying new infectious diseases and preventing outbreaks amidst ecological changes and human activities.

Climate Impact on Society and Disease

Sweating Sickness and Historical Outbreaks

Cultural and Hygiene Practices

Hantavirus and Rodent-Borne Diseases

Emerging Infectious Diseases and Challenges


The chapter explores the historical impact of viruses on tulips, notably during the Tulipmania in 17th-century Netherlands, where viral 'breaking' transformed tulips into commodities of speculative value. It dives into the scientific understanding of viruses creating streaked tulips and highlights their positive roles in shaping both ornamental and agricultural plants, enhancing beauty and crop yields.

Tulipmania and its Impact

Role of Viruses in Tulip Patterns

Viruses and Flowers

Viruses and Agriculture


The chapter discusses the devastation of American chestnut trees by Cryphonectria parasitica and subsequent ecological impact. Hybridization efforts offered limited success, but the introduction of Cryphonectria hypovirus-1 reduced the fungus's virulence, suggesting viral strategies could manage other fungal diseases.

Historical Context and the Impact of Chestnut Blight

Efforts to Combat the Blight

Role of Hypovirulence in Recovery and Future Prospects


The chapter explores the historical and scientific background of zombies and other myths, like vampires, as well as the role of parasitic organisms in influencing behavior, including Toxoplasma gondii and parasitic wasps. It highlights how parasitic infections and prion diseases like kuru have informed current understanding of neurological disorders. Additionally, it discusses the beneficial use of viruses in nature for plant survival and pest control.

Impact of Parasitic Organisms

In much of Victorian literature, the lifespan of a vampire was said to be forty days, which is the same as the average time that it takes from the first symptoms of human rabies until death. G�mez-Alonso concludes that vampires and werewolves in historical accounts were rabid individuals, and their transmogrifying and facial distortions were construed as demonic by naive and god-fearing people.

Role of Parasitic Wasps and Beneficial Viruses


Chapter 13 explores the beneficial role of viruses, notably bacteriophages, in combating bacterial infections like cholera. While early scientists like Hankin, Twort, and d'H�relle recognized their potential, phage therapy was overshadowed by antibiotics. With rising antibiotic resistance, phage therapy offers hope for targeted and effective treatments, emphasizing the need to understand microbial ecosystems and personalized medicine approaches.

Hankin's Discovery and Early Observations

Discovery and Exploration of Bacteriophages

Challenges and Evolution of Phage Therapy

Antibiotic Resistance and the Red Queen Effect

The evolution of antibiotic resistance is a textbook case of what is called the Red Queen Effect (RQE) in evolution. This name derives from Lewis Carroll�s Through the Looking Glass, where Alice is told by the Red Queen: �It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.� Like being on a treadmill� speed it up and you need to run faster and faster just to stay in the same place or risk falling flat on your face.

Reviving Phage Therapy for Modern Challenges

Perhaps now more than ever before, we need to understand that our bodies are an ecosystem and each of us is a microcosm. Every pathogen that affects us has a set of its own pathogens� the enemy�s enemy. This is how nature plays out. The revival of safe and responsive public health systems to address disease will depend upon how well we understand the ecology of viruses and the human microbiome in the context of disease and wellness. The harnessing of viruses to fight potential pathogens is a viable strategy for the advancement of medicine, both for public and individualised use� the future of human and planetary health may well lie in the hands (or rather, in the tails) of phages.


The chapter explores human genetics, emphasizing our evolutionary connection to various species including microbes. It discusses how genetic mutations and interactions with viruses influence evolution, using SARS-CoV-2 as a case study to showcase human misbelief in controlling nature. The need to respect and collaborate with microbes for planetary and health benefits is stressed, suggesting a shift towards sustainable living with nature.

Human Genetics and Microbial Influence

The Role of SARS-CoV-2 in Human Interactions with Nature

Our technological progress, our ability to acquire instant (albeit often ephemeral) gratification, has lulled us into believing that we possess enough power to subdue and manipulate nature. We choose which relationships we want to foster and which we will cull and sever, and try to make nature serve us selectively and indefinitely. This kind of brinkmanship makes us feel that we can control nature, but as we have been slow to realise, this control is delusional.

Microbial World and Climate Change

Understanding and Appreciating Microbes

If we continue to speak of microbes and viruses using the lexicon of war, then it is a war we have already lost. It is ironic that we are supposedly at war with this invisible force, which can cause disruption, but which also binds all life.
If we are to survive in the future as a civilization and as cultures, now is our moment to find ways to share our planet with all the life on Earth. And this change should start with our smallest denizens. It may not seem so at the moment but viruses are our friends.

Future Directions and Coexistence with Nature

What inspiration can we take from this moment? This past year, nature has been telling us that we must slow down our greed machine. We need an anthropo-pause. We must awaken to the fact that we can share our spaces with nature in its many forms. The old ways were not �normal� in any way, and that is not the normal that we should strive to return to.